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December 2007 Archives

December 3, 2007

Christmas Begins

Christmas is in 3 weeks!  The kids are getting excited.  We had a bit of snow on the weekend, and it's beginning to feel like the holidays.

 On Friday, we made our first batch of Christmas cookies.  I love this recipe because it is low in fat and sugar.  We used whole grain wheat and spelt flour.  The mix was a bit dry so we added extra water to get the right consistency.  The kids love rolling out the dough and cutting out all the different cookie shapes.

Once their cooked, then comes their favorite part.  We make bowls of icing and start decorating.  Good thing the actual cookies aren't loaded with fat and sugar.  By the time the kids added the icing and decorations, there was more than enough!

I'd love to hear any suggestions for decorating Christmas cookies more nutritionally.  As it is, we just decide it's a once a year treat.  Although we'll be making throughout the month.  We take them to parties, events, and potlucks.

On Saturday, we made beeswax candles.  The kids love making these candles and it smells so good!  When working with kids, using sheets of beeswax is much safer than melting wax.  The only heat source is your hair drying, so even the youngest children can get involved safely.

About December 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Creative Kids Blog in December 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2007 is the previous archive.

January 2008 is the next archive.

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