Gifts for kids
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Kids Gift Stories

Gifts for kids

Her Own Book

Blessings come in big or little packages mine came sixteen years ago, with the birth of my Daughter. Being an April fools baby to her the most exciting birthday yet, the age of sixteen.

I wanted to give something to my daughter that would inspire her, that she could have the rest of her life.  I knew she loved to draw, she loved to write poems which were all scattered about her room.

book of poems and art I found a place on line where I could take her drawings and her poems and have them published in a hard cover book. I cried the whole time as I scanned each one of her drawings I knew each one had there special place in her heart.

The 14 days I waited and paced for her book to arrive, drove me nuts.

This was a gift she would have her entire life. One she could brag about, one she could keep and show her children, "I had my work published, my designs, my poems, only my work", and her name was on the front cover.

The day of her birthday, I handed to her the last gift, she sat there quiet not saying a word, just a tear fell from her eye. As she looked up at me, she said to me, "Mom you just gave me an forever lasting gift, I shall always cherish. "

Thanks to Tuesday for a wonderful idea of how to create a lasting gift.

Gifts for kids


Hazel Tibbitts said:

Is it possible to find out who she found to publish a single book?

I would love to do the same thing almost. Plus I have long thought of making a book for my mother using my grandmother's autobiography with pictures from her life.

Tuesday Miles said:

Of coarse I published the book through it is a self publishing site you can either publish one copy of a book or order many.
" Enjoy "

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