Gifts for kids
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Kids Gift Stories

Gifts for kids

Raggedy Ann Doll

The best gift that I ever received was a Raggedy Ann Doll from my mother.

I am not sure how old I was but, I loved that doll so much. I do know that I was under 10 years old when I got it. My mother died May of 1989 I had turned 10 in January of 1989. raggedy ann doll picture

When we moved, we did not get to keep our toys because by the time we went back for them at our house the dog had just about destroyed everything due to separation anxiety. We were told that we could always get new toys and it was not anything to get worked up over. I never got another Raggedy Ann Doll.

I am now 28 years old and Christmas of 2005 my mother-in law gave my youngest child a Raggedy Ann Doll & Andy ornament. I had told her that I used to have a Raggedy Ann Doll before my mom died. She remember that and the following year she gave the same daughter a Raggedy Ann Doll and told her that she had to share it with Mommy because she had lost the one that her Mommy had gave her.

I just burst into tears as I am now just thinking about it. And that is the BEST gift that I have ever got as a child!

Gifts for kids

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