Gifts for kids
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Kids Gift Stories

Gifts for kids

Uncle's Gift

When I was a teenager, I was given a baby doll by my uncle in California.

I had not seen him that much and I was a little old for a baby doll but the thought of an uncle that I hardly knew would give me a special gift when he had a daughter of his own made me feel very special.  Over he years he became more and more special for his thoughtfulness.

I will always remember that baby doll and the meaning behind it that I was special enough to receive such a gift.

Thanks to Pamela for this story about a gift from her Uncle.

Gifts for kids


Christine said:

This story reminded me about a special Aunt and Uncle of my own.

We live across the country from my large extended family. My kids know that I have lots of Aunts and Uncles, but most of my family tree is a blur to them.

The exception is one Aunt and Uncle of mine, who send them a birthday card every year. They look forward to that card almost as much as anything else they might get for their birthdays.

And they are always delighted if we manage to see them while we are visiting my family.

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