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Learning To Read

How do children learn to read?

As parents, we've done all the things we're suppose to do. We read bed time stories, fiction stories, fact stories, and just about everything else. We play word games, letter games, and rhyming games. Our kids have always been exposed to print and see us enjoy reading.

But it takes more than that.

My son knew how to write his own name, and liked to copy words written by other people. He knew what sounds letters made and understood that letters went together to make words. He showed no interest in actually reading for himself. He was too busy learning other things which was OK with me for now.

Then his older sister mentioned the Summer Reading Club at the library. He realized that he was old enough to join the club this year. Suddenly he wanted to be a reader. He was motivated.

We picked up an early reader, and started with words he could figure out (I, a, it, is ...). The reader used different arrangements of a few words to tell a simple story. He was able to read the first story. Now he could join the Summer Reading club.

Actually joining the Reading Club was a lot of fun for him. He got his own booklet to keep track of the stories he reads. It even comes with it's own decoder ring!

This year's theme "UnderCover Reader!" is all about learning of the mysterious and exciting world of espionage by reading about travel, spying, gadgets, secret messages, detection and disguises. There are special programs to attend. He picked to go the day the RCMP Canine Unit will be at the library.

I've been amazed at his simple joy in reading. The reading club expects him to read every day. It's hard to get a 6y boy to sit still every day. But his eyes light up any time I suggest we sit down and read another story.

He is delighted with being able to read. He's reading more words every day, and often surprises me when he reads a word the first time it is in the story. He loves filling in the titles of stories he has read in the booklet and can't wait to finish the first section and take it back to the library.

Maybe that's my answer. For most kids, motivation makes learning easy.

Comments (2)


Hi there,

I am China, a man in his thirties now.

I love reading your stories.Easy for me to read. I am now learning English just like the way your kid learns words.Hope to hear from you and read more artices.

Best wishes.


Ct Ain:

I am new in this blog..please send me an e-mail if there is a new news,games or others.hope to hear from u and read more articles..bye!!


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