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August 2005 Archives

August 10, 2005

Petting a Porcupine

We’ve just returned from a couple of weeks at a cottage on Lake Huron. I've a few entries I'll be posting over the next couple of days. Access to technology was limited, which did make for a peaceful vacation, but not a lot of blogging.

While we were there, we visited Science North in Sudbury. I’ve been to other science centers, but I have to say that this one impressed me with the range of interesting exhibits.

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August 14, 2005

The Family Cottage

Most of our summer vacation was spent at my family cottage on Lake Huron. My Mother’s parents built it in the 1950s. I’ve been spending time there most summers for the last 40 years. It is a time for family, as well as vacation.

I’ve chosen to live thousands of miles from my family. I love the city where we live and the life style it offers. But one problem is that my children don’t have a large extended family that they get to see all the time. I continually struggle with how to give my children a sense of family, and an understanding that our small nuclear family isn’t their whole family. I have been surprised and pleased to find our family cottage is a great way to bring all my family into my children’s lives.

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August 20, 2005

Computer Games - Sudoku

There aren't many games I play on the computer, except for solitare.

This week, I spent a fair bit of time playing sudoku. It feels like something I've played before, but I can't quite remember.

My neice introduced to the game during our recent vacation. She was playing them out of the newspaper. It was great at the cottage, but we quickly finished one each day.

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About August 2005

This page contains all entries posted to Creative Kids Blog in August 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2005 is the previous archive.

September 2005 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.