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July 2005 Archives

July 5, 2005

Learning To Read

How do children learn to read?

As parents, we've done all the things we're suppose to do. We read bed time stories, fiction stories, fact stories, and just about everything else. We play word games, letter games, and rhyming games. Our kids have always been exposed to print and see us enjoy reading.

But it takes more than that.

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July 10, 2005

Ideas to keep children busy.

Today was one of those days when I had a lot to do, and needed to keep my son busy.

After playing some of his favorite games, I wanted to clean the kitchen. Once I had the first counter cleaned off. I got down a dish and let him experiment with dish detergent, water, food coloring and oil. Then I handed him a straw and he started blowing bubbles in his concoction!

Continue reading "Ideas to keep children busy." »

July 25, 2005

New projects on the website

Finally. I got some of the new projects added to the site. There are so many interesting ideas, it's just finding the time to get them tested, photgraphed and published. But it's summer and everyone needs lots of fun ideas for children.

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About July 2005

This page contains all entries posted to Creative Kids Blog in July 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2005 is the next archive.

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