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The Toothfairy has a Tough Job

When my daughter's first tooth fell out, it seemed like the tooth fairy's job wasn't too bad. Replace one tooth with $1. and there's a happy child in the morning.

Then came the night that her tooth fell out while a babysitter was taking care of her.

I’m sure my daughter was a bit upset to have a tooth come out, some blood in her mouth, and her parents not at home. The babysitter suggested she wait a couple a weeks until Christmas eve. “When you put a tooth under your pillow on Christmas eve something special happens�?. Of course, she didn’t give my daughter any hints about what was ‘something special’.

I even talked to her a couple of days later. She just laughed and said “I didn’t want her to put the tooth under her pillow that night!�? She had no idea what the tooth fairy would bring on Christmas Eve.

My daughter did save her tooth for Christmas eve and was delighted with the small silver coin she found under her pillow on Christmas morning. Ever since that morning, she’s made a point of saving teeth to put under her pillow on Christmas Eve.

But I have to say, that was nothing to my son’s challenges for the tooth fairy. The tooth never seems to actually go under the pillow. I think he holds it, and touches it frequently as he’s falling asleep. By the time the tooth fairy shows up, that tooth could be anywhere in the double bed. And they are really small teeth...

Of course, his sister has told him to save a tooth for Christmas Eve too!


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