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Videotaping Kids

I'm coaching a First Lego League team called the Nano Stormers.  For one part of the competition, the team has to do a presentation on the theme of this years' challenge.

The kids have come up with their topic, written the script and are now rehearsing their presentation.  

One of the keys to FLL is that the kids must do it themselves.  As their coach, my role is not to direct their skit, but to help them figure out how to make it the best they can.

Other teams have mentioned videotaping, so we thought we'd give it a try.  We've now taped the skit during at least 4 practices.  It's amazing the difference between the first and the fourth versions.

Restless kids try harder not to look bored when someone else is talking.  Kids who mumbled to their feet on the first practice are now looking at the audience and speaker louder.  

After watching the video, most of the kids can identify what they'd like to improve during the next practice.  There's just no way they would have made this much progress without seeing for themselves how it looks to the audience.

Best of all, I'm not directing the changes.  The suggestions and improvements are coming from the kids themselves.

Now, if only videotaping the robot would improve it's performance!


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