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Busy Christmas

Most years, we try to spend lots of time decorating and getting ready for Christmas.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working out that way this year.  But there are some things we do make time for.

One of our favorite customs is making Christmas cookies.  

This custom started years ago when another family invited us to join them for an icing party.  She and her kids had made dozens of cookies before the party.  They used cookie cutters and had all kinds of shapes.  On the day of the party, Moms and kids (of all ages) would show up.  She'd have bowls of icing in all kinds of colors and lots of different things that could be sprinkled on the cookies.

Over the years, we don't see as much of that family, but we did choose to include that custom in our Christmas celebrations.  First I had to find a cookie recipe.  It took me a while but I finally came across a Christmas Cookie Recipe that has some nutritional value (to make up for all that icing!)

We made the cookies yesterday and had our own icing party.  

There's something very satisfying about rolling out the dough and making all the cookies.  And then there's the delicious step of decorating all the cookies!  It is going to be one of the few Christmas customs we'll do this year, but at least we can enjoy the results!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 20, 2006 8:39 PM.

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