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Juggling Balls

My kids have been part of a large production with over 60 cast members.  One of the parts calls for juggling and the man they brought in was wonderful with the kids.  When they were not on stage performing, he had a large bag of juggling balls they can use.  He's been teaching them how to juggle! It's been great for keeping lots of kids busy during all the time they spend between shows and between acts.

My own kids are having a great time and want to get their own set of juggling balls.  I've been checking out websites and when there's time, I think we'll be placing an order.

In the meantime, we made our own set of juggling balls.   When Creative Kids at Home was sending out craft packages, it was one of the projects sent to older kids.  For that project, they added an elastic string to make something like a yo-yo.

These balls were quick to make and will let the kids keep practicing how to juggle until we get our own set.


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