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Mayan Day One

Today's challenge is to navigate through a tunnel with two left turns, sit on a pressure plate for 30 seconds and then return out through the tunnel.

This challenge was pretty easy to set-up.  The hardest part was figuring out how to make the boxes fit into the dimensions for the different parts of the tunnel.

diagram of tunnel in Mayan temple

We arranged the temple stones (boxes) to create the tunnel.  Here's what it looked like.

picture of Mayn tunnel entrance from robot's view point

Here's a view that shows the pressure plate.

picture of the tunnels and pressure plate



Our goal was to encourage the team members to learn some new programming techniques.  Our scoring encourages them by checking the program to make sure they are using what they are learning.


For working robot


Use loop in program


Comments to explain program


For robot that sits on pressure plate for 10 seconds


For robot that returns on it's own.

That's a total of 25 points plus another 10 points for their teamwork score.  Robot Day One will be worth a total of 35 points out of 250 points for the week. 

Each team came up with different robots.  They all used different sized wheels, and there were two wheels and one glider for the third weight point.  Everyone used the ultra sonic sensor and two had the touch sensor as well.

three LEGO NXT robots for tunnel challenge in Mayan Adventure

Here's a picture of one of the robots working it's way through the tunnel.

Robot in tunnel for Mayan Adventure


All the robots made it to the pressure plate at least once during the testing or challenge runs.  But no robot made it to the challenge plate and back out again on the same run.  They were close and might have made it with another hour of programming at testing.  But then again ....



Read more about LEGO NXT Mayan Adventure week.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 2, 2007 9:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mayan Robot Week.

The next post in this blog is Mayan Day Two.

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