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Website Navigation

Here's a question from a visitor about how to navigate around the Creative Kids at Home website

Why do I have to sign up every time I want to enter creative kids like it's a new subscription?


There's no need to sign up every time you want to find info from our Kids Crafts and Activity Library. The sign-up box is for people who would want to receive our monthly email newsletter.

To get to the Activity Library, start at the Creative Kids at Home entry page. Just under the banner at the top of the page that says ' Creative Kids at Home ' are some blue buttons in the shape of an artist's pallet. The second button is labeled 'Activities'. Click on that button to go directly to the Kids Crafts and Activity Library.

Another option is to use the navigation links at the bottom of every page on our website. The link for 'kids crafts' will go right to the Activity Library.

Here's a direct link to the Activity Library.  You can Bookmark that page for direct access.

There are many different areas in the website including:

Fun Activities - Family crafts and activities.
Kids Games - all kinds of games including cooperative and 2 player games.
Kids Science Projects - ideas for science experiments and topics.
Holiday Activities - crafts for holidays throughout the year.
Birthday Parties - birthday party ideas, activities, and planning tips.
Kids Themes - crafts, games, and activities all about one theme.
Fun Foods for Kids - craft ideas that involve food!
Summer Kids Crafts - crafts and games for summer.
Crafts for Younger Children - craft ideas for younger children (under 4 years).
Crafts for Older Children - crafts for older children (over 8 years).
Crafts from Recycled Items - ideas for crafts from recycled items.
Articles for Parents - articles about families or parenting.

To find these sections, scroll down on the Activities Main page. On the right hand side you'll see a blue banner with the words 'Free Library Categories'. That's where you'll find links to all the different sections.

There is a lot of information on the website, so we try to have 2-3 different ways of navigating to any section.  Hopefully that makes it easier, rather than more confusing.


Comments (1)

Kelley Ramsey:

I would love to get some more information on the painted lady!!! I have butterflies and don't know where to get thistle or barage, not sure what that is, type of plant I am assuming, would be grateful to find out about where you got your plants. I am from Atlant Georgia, and not sure if I can find those now in the month of August. Thank you in advance for your help.
Kelley Ramsey


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 14, 2008 8:24 AM.

The previous post in this blog was July 08 Newsletter.

The next post in this blog is September 08 Newsletter.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.