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Water Quality

My son is working on his science fair project for this year.  We've been talking about water quality, so he choose that topic as the theme for his project.

We found an interesting way to test water quality.  Apparently, sprouting buttercrunch lettuce seeds is a good indication of the quality of the water.

He started 5 days ago with his first four samples.  A friend of ours lives on a farm and she collected a water sample from her well and a pond on their property.  Then he used our tap water and a sample from some bottled water.

He counted 10 seeds and put them into each sample.

Today's the day we find out if he has any results from his first samples.  He'll be checking to see how many germinated and how long the tap root has grown.  

We're all curious to see what happened. Then he gets to collect more samples and do it all again.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 10, 2006 7:52 AM.

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