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Easter Success

All week, the kids were talking about what would be the Easter Hunt this year.  My daughter even stated that it wouldn't be a new idea this year.  She was sure that they had tried all possible hunts.  They would get to do one of them again.  She was hoping for written clues in backward writing.  My son decided that he wanted puzzle clues that would lead them to the treasure.

Easter morning, they were surprised to find a note telling them to look for eggs that would be filled with puzzle pieces.  The found the first six and then started putting the puzzle together.  They realized that there were more pieces and they had to start hunting for more eggs.  They worked together finding the eggs and putting the puzzle together.

Then came the challenge of flipping the puzzle over.  My daughter came up with the idea of sliding something under the puzzle.  They opened a magazine and slid the first page under the puzzle.  Then closed the magazine over the puzzle and could easily pick it up and flip it over.  It worked great.

The clue led them to their treasure.  They were surprised and delighted with this year's treasure hunt.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2007 12:49 PM.

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