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Easter Idea

I have to admit that I've felt like I was fresh out of ideas for an Easter Hunt this year. The kids really look forward to Easter morning.  There's never been a lot of candy and lately the treasure has been a new strategy game.  For them, it's always been about the treasure hunt itself. Until now, I've had no ideas for the treasure or even for the hunt.

The kids love it when they find clues in eggs that take them to the next location.  That's our most common Easter Hunt.  Sometimes we've used picture clues (e.g. clipart of a bathtub) and some years we've used word clues.  It didn't matter, they loved them both.

They hated the year they found a very long ball of wool unrolled all around the house.  They had to wind it up (going into many rooms, around furniture, up and down stairs) until they found the treasure.  They still talk about that one!

But what will they find on Easter morning this year?

Then I read through an email from one of our visitors.  They have a great idea for puzzle treasure hunt.  Now I just need to find the puzzle and hopefully a great idea will come along for the treasure too!  


Comments (1)

Here's a note from one of our visitors.

Thank you so much for this great idea. What a great way to eliminategetting a whole bunch of candy and still have a lot of fun searching for



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