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Newsletter August 07

It's August already, and soon the kids will be heading back to school.  Here are some ideas for a fun filled last month of summer vacation.

August is a great month for star gazing, or even making planets from our solar system.  While there are long days, you can make your own Sundial and learn to tell time by the sun.  If you're in the southern hemisphere and have short days, you might want to check out our list of fun science experiments instead.

Looking for a new craft idea.  Here's a project to turn a pop bottle into a colorful vase.  Thanks to Joseph M. for sending this craft project.

No plans for a summer trip?  Try Imagination traveling.  It's a great way to travel the globe and can be as simple as talking about place you want to visit, or as exciting as creating a whole new country in your basement, living room or backyard.

Want lots of ideas around one theme?  How about living like a pioneer.  There's everything from how to make butter or candles, to how to play marbles.  Or try one of our other theme pages to find ideas about anything from space to make believe.

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey last month.  You told us that most of you are looking for ideas to use with your own children, or children that you work with.  Most people will be looking for ideas for kids between the ages of 3y and 10y.  Your first priorities are crafts and activities for new ideas at Creative Kids at Home.  We'll be using this information to plan new additions to the Creative Kids at Home website.

Let us know if you use some of these ideas, and what the kids think.  Or have them send in new ideas they would like to share with other families.  If you have a photo, we would like to include it too!  Let us know if you would like to be identified with your idea.  Post your stories to the Creative Kids blog to share with other families.

Don't forget to check out the Activity Library for lots of kids crafts and activities.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 29, 2007 7:07 AM.

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