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Beeswax candles

On the weekend, my family went to an Advent retreat.  It was a chance to get away from all the flurry of activity that goes on in December. The kids got to go tobogganing, and I finally had the opportunity to make beeswax candles.

I'd always heard they were easy to make, but hadn't every tried them. Even as a beginner, it took me less than 10 minutes per candle. I couldn't believe how easy they really were to make. By the time I had finished the five candles needed for our Advent wreath, I could see the possibilities.

While simple beeswax candles are beautiful, there are many different ideas to make them more fancy, and even some decorations you can get to dress them up.

Comments (1)

i love to use beeswax candles too.. ;) great also in room decorations....thanks for sharing ideas. we will come back often.



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