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Halloween Activities

It's Halloween tomorrow.  We've been busy carving pumpkins, roasting seeds and making ghosts.

I tried a new recipe for roasting pumpkin seeds this year.  They are absolutely delicious.  I'm going to be buying more pumpkins just for the seeds.  I'll probably roast and freeze the pumpkin flesh for muffins or soaps, but it's the seeds we love.

The kids have done a great job carving pumpkins.  So far there are five outside the front door, and they'd love to do some more on Tuesday!  I'll try and get some picture to post on the website.

They've also been making ghosts.  They use one facial tissue squished into a ball.  Then center it in a second tissue.  Bring the sides together and tie with a string.  It's an easy project, but they are planning on having lots of them all around our front door for Halloween.

Happy Halloween!


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