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Gifts for Kids

Gifts for Children Contest

What's the best gift you were given as a child?  Do you have a fabulous idea of a gift you are going to give a child?  Or how about a wonderful idea for a gift that a child can give to someone else?  There are three ways to win prizes.

1)  Send in your story. The favorite story prize will be awarded to the most popular gift story as determined by the number of comments left by unique visitors.  The Great Story Prize will awarded to the most interesting story, and there are draw prizes that any story can win. 

2)  Send in a comment about about one of the stories.  There are two great prizes that will be awarded by random draw from all the comments sent in.

3) Find the hidden gift while you are reading all the great gift stories.  Tell us if you find the hidden gift and you might win the prize for that day!  

Find out more about the Gifts for Children Contest and check out all the prizes!

Take some time to read the gift stories.  You may come up with some new ideas for your own Christmas list.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 10, 2007 8:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was New for October.

The next post in this blog is November crafts.

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