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November crafts

Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving on November 22th.  Check out these ideas to make some Thanksgiving decorations as part of your celebrations.  There's lots of ideas for turkey decorations, and a new idea to have the kids create unique napkin rings for your holiday table.  Of course, you could use the same idea to place cards, or just some table decorations.

Are your kids are hoping for snow?  While they are waiting, make Paper Snowflakes or  glittery snowflakes .  They can use paper plates to make snowflakes.  Younger children use simple designs, and older children can cut more intricate patterns.

Comments (1)


Just linked to your website and fell upon the directions to make the "Pine Cone Turkey"!

This sent me back in time during my daughters time spent in elementary school. If my memory serves me well, I was first introduced to the "Pine Cone Turkey" during the week of Thanksgiving. She proudly carried this precious little turkey created by her little hands.

Kristy is now 23, married to a handsome fire fighter Adrian, bank loan officer and college student.

To this day her little "Pine Cone Turkey" is displayed upon a shelf for all to see.

Now I am preparing to have my son Aaron who is 6 years old and now attending the first grade, to create yet another "Pine Cone Turkey" ! Then I will have two "Pine Cone Turkey's" to display.

I think I will make this a tradition that will be carried out with my grand children in the future.
Thank you for such great ideas to work with our "little ones".

Blessings and Joy,
Debby T.


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