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Student Made Gift Ideas For Teachers

It's that time of year again, when the school year is coming to an end. Here's an idea from some creative writing students that is sure to delight any teacher.

Write your own Book

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Hand Prints to Remember 
Memory Book
- a special book that will be treasured for years to come.
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Happy parent and child

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Write your own Book

This idea was sent in by Cindy Holland.

"I recently visited your site and wanted to tell you about the gift my friend and I recently gave our Southern Literature instructor. This gift is a very low cost gift but a labor intensive, yet gratifying, and well meaning gift. My friend and I had taken several courses with this teacher, and have learned so much from her.  She has inspired us to be so much more than we ever thought we could.

We began the Spring semester in January, and by January 28th we decided to write a book, for our teacher of Southern fiction, using common Southern literary themes. We wrote a dedication and placed it in the front of the book, formatted the book in a professional manner using Word, registered the book with the Library of Congress and the copyright office, designed a paperback cover, purchased an ISBN number, and then uploaded the book to be printed at a Print on Demand Publisher--Lulu. The cost--can range from as little as $7 to as much as $150 for the ISBN number to be able to sell the book at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. We presented our teacher with her copy of our book, The Crooked Limb, as a birthday present in mid-April. She was elated. In fact, she started crying and stated that the book was the best thing that anyone had ever done for her. We began by just wanting to write a short story, but we ended up writing a novella. It was the most rewarding experience that I have ever had.

This gift not only gives to the teacher a physical thank you, but it also shows the teacher that he or she has had an impact in his or her students' learning--the best gift a teacher can receive. 

You can see our book with an intensive how to preface, and to see how you can make your own for very little expense."


  1. Ask each child 'What was the best thing you did in school this year'  or 'What was the funniest thing that happened in class'.  Put these stories together to create the book.
  2. Have each child write a short story or make a picture that can be put together to create a book.



Send us your ideas for Teacher's gifts, and we'll post them for other visitors to see.

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Gifts Kids Can Make Book Cover







Children love making gifts for their parents and other adults who are important to them.  But what can they make that will delight the person they are giving the gift to?

Here's how you can quickly and easily get lots of simple, high quality gift ideas that you children can make.  Guaranteed to be fun the children making the gift, and a delight for the person receiving it.

Gifts Kids Can Make



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