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Beach Activities

The first issue of the summer newsletter was sent out today on a beach theme.  

Who doesn't love a day at the beach?  These ideas will help you have fun at the beach, or create a beach day in your own backyard.  Don't forget to get out the beach towels and make some lemonade.   The kids will feel like they are at the beach even if the ocean or lake is miles away.

Craft Projects

  1. Build a sand castle using tips and ideas to make it easy.
  2. Make your own sand mask.
  3. Make a batch of sand dough for modeling or to make stepping stones.
  4. Mix sand with leftover sidewalk chalk to create something new.
  5. Paint seashells with acrylic paint.  
  6. Make a seashell necklace.  Tread a needle with a piece of thread a bit longer than you want to necklace.  Use the needle to poke a hole in the shell.  String the shells and then tie it on to make your necklace.
  7. Make footprints in sand that will last forever. 
  8. You can take these ice cream cones to the beach, and they won't even melt.


  1. Scavenger Hunt
  2. Sand Castle Building Contest
  3. Beach Soccer - find an empty spot on the beach and put out two beach towels instead of nets.  A goal is scored when the ball goes over the towel.

Field Trip

  1. A day at the beach! Don't forget the inflatable balls, pails and buckets.
  2. If you don't live near a beach, create your own 'beach' in your backyard or neighborhood park.  All you need is a water (anything from child's wadding pool to a swimming pool) and a container or tarp with some sand.  Don't forget the beach blankets, picnic and sand toys.


There's a whole new website for Science Kids at Home.  For the start of summer, you can find out about the  science of sunlight and exactly what is ultraviolet light.  There's a  sunlight experiment  to see the ultraviolet light and an idea for a close-up look at beach sand.


On a rainy day, you can create the beach inside.  Create an indoor sandbox and use your bathtub for the water.  Let the kids wear their bathing suits into the tub and be sure to have lots of pails, boats, and beach toys.

Don't forget your camera.  Take lots of pictures and make a scrapbook or start a journal with your adventures.  

Use the comments section of the blog to tell us about your beach adventures with the kids.  We'd like to share your creative ideas with other families.


Comments (6)


this is really kool i love doing arts and crafts

S. G. :):

There should be a section with activities you can do w/ food. Like making shapes out of cookie dough or a clown out of a scoop of Ice Cream.


i think this is a really cool website.
It is really intresting. i think to make it better you coukd make it more colourful this would be more intresting to view it.
Bye Holly

Karen Emberley:

This site really does have new and interesting activities that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Keep up the good work!

Here is another idea:

The can be done with a group of 2 or more children who are old enough to know that sand does not taste very good. (Little ones can participate with adult supervision though)


Park Sandbox
Plastic Shovels
Different colors of apples (4 or 5 per child)


1. Divide the group of children into two groups.

2. While one group participates in another supervised activity of your choice, the other group of children bury the apples in the sandbox.

3. Then the second group "the buriers" participate in the other activity while the first group tries to find the buried apples.

3. If a child finds a red apple it is worth one point, a green apple is worth five points and a yellow apple is worth ten points

At the end whatever a child's personal scote is that's how many times he can go down the park slide before going home. (or do whatever other activity there is in the park, the activity must be countable though)

4. Reverse the game so that all children get a chance to be buriers and finders.

NOTE: This game can work with snow too with the other supervised activity being snowman or snowfort creating)

Happy Hunting!!!


this websites really good as I am having a beach party, if anyone has any ideas for 12-13 year olds please post a comment ASAP as its gonna be at the end of may and I need more ideas


niki sportsman:

i love how many activities that are on all these subjects


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